Be Part of the Solution

Given your work in the tourism industry, you may encounter victims of human trafficking.
Once you complete this training, Help Stop Human Trafficking, you will know the signs to look for and how to quickly alert authorities.
You are on the front lines.

Share your observations and reasons for alarm with a supervisor.
Immediately call 911 if you suspect human trafficking and the victim is under 18, if you witness severe verbal or physical abuse or believe the person is in immediate danger.

Local Law Enforcement & Anonymous Reporting
National Human Trafficking Hotline or text Be Free

About Help Stop Human Trafficking
We are on a mission to help stop human trafficking. Human trafficking in San Diego is an $800M industry, the second-largest criminal enterprise behind drug trafficking. It is a form of modern-day slavery with a devastating toll on innocent lives.
The San Diego Harbor Police Foundation supports additional training for Harbor Police officers and has created this training program for employees at the San Diego International Airport and the county-wide tourism industry to help prevent and put a stop to this uniquely invasive criminal activity.
"The fact that each department within our hotel had a unique training that was relevant to their specific job duties makes this content essential for our operation moving forward."
-Eric R. Fink, General Manager
"I received more positive and immediate feedback from the attendees than in any previous course offered in my last 10-years."
-Boyd Long, Vice President
Valley View Casino & Hotel
Contact Us
SD Harbor Police Foundation HQ
3380 N. Harbor Drive
San Diego, CA 92101